November 2004

Grammar Cop: Flat Tie? He’s Your Best Fiend.


Complaint: Neglecting a letter during word construction, resulting in the creation of a word that does not exist, a misdemeanor; not noticing this; making offense permanent by painting it on the back of a vehicle; still not noticing this; distributing offense throughout the Georgia highway system.
Defendant: A tow-truck licensed by the Georgia Department of Transportation to pick up cars from over-protective automobile owners who can’t bear traditional two-wheel towing methods.
Report: Incident occurred while Officer Beuerlein of the Georgia Grammar Task Force was on routine patrol in Georgia, or perhaps just driving somewhere. Officer Beuerlein captured incident with his dashboard camera, or perhaps a camera that was in his glove compartment. Not sure.
Fine: $275 and referral to the Department of Chronological Impossibility to investigate the 25 hour claim.

Cats Do Not Like Change


Cats do not like change – which explains why they do not like being relocated to new houses and why they rejected Kerry’s message, overwhelmingly voting for Bush in the recent election.
With their preference for routine, it’s quite understandable that many cats are troubled by the appearance of new humans in the household. When presented with such dramatic change they react in one of two ways:
1. They hide under the bed or behind furniture.
2. They eat the dramatic change.
To determine the course of action your feline acquaintance has chosen is easy: look under the bed and behind the sofa. If your cat is not found there, odds are he’s considering the consumption track.
Furthermore, if your cat is seated three feet from the new human and looks pensive, he’s more than likely abandoned a defensive posture and is instead developing a plan that may contain a tragic eat-your-child scenario.
If your cat has reached this state, you’ll need to sit down with him and have a chat – which is French for “cat”, ironically enough.
Reassurance is key here. If you can ease a cat’s fears that he’s being moved to the side, he is more likely to accept the new addition and adapt to it – rather than devour it during naptime. Even though all your actions speak to the fact that he is indeed being put to the side, it should be easy to convince him otherwise – he has a brain the size of a fig. He lacks fully developed logic and reasoning, like a press release from Barbra Streisand.
Use a soothing voice, reassuringly put your hand on one of the cat’s thighs and explain to him why he should not eat your child.
Try reason: I put a lot of work into this child, and I would appreciate you not eating him. He is very nice.
If reason fails, try bargaining: If you do not eat the child, who is very nice, I will give you extra tartar-control snacklets.
When all else fails, you may have to threaten: If you eat this nice child you will get a serious misting from the spray bottle, and you hate that.
It is important to remember that all you are doing is buying time. At some point, hopefully, the child will develop defensive and offensive capabilities. He will also be too big to eat.
After the umpteenth time your cat’s tail has been treated like the starter-cord from a lawnmower, he will realize – too late – that he should have acted on his initial impulse. The ability to see long-term is what separates us from animals that chase light from laser pens.

Dear Lady Squatting In Our Midst

Dear Madam:
New York City has jaded me in many ways – in part because the streets are littered with the insane, the degenerate and the hopeless. Truth be told, whether we’re forced to contend with pierced twenty-something loafers asking for cigarette money or toothless drunks sleeping on dried dog-urine, most of us find it all quite routine. Boring even.
It’s obvious that every psychiatric facility emptied its inventory onto the streets. That, combined with the sad fact that people no longer feel the slightest bit of shame asking strangers for money, means that the sheer quantity of wretched souls makes it impossible to recall any particular details about them. In the end, they are merely folks that wanted something for nothing, or carried on conversations with a lamppost. Tired, tired, tired.
However, once in a great while during a routine stroll down the mostly well-ordered streets one will encounter a person with whom interaction leaves some kind of lingering memory. Or, in your case, an emotional scarring so horrible that while it was being violently laser-etched into my brain it incinerated all happy memories from 1968 to present.
The last such person to make a vivid impression and earn a few bytes of my memory was an old black gentleman two years ago. It was a sunny autumn day, a weekend, fairly cool. He had apparently been enjoying the contents of the empty fifth in his hand. We arrived at the scene after the fact, but it didn’t take a degree in forensic science to determine what had transpired. At some point post-consumption of his adult beverage, the gentleman had experienced the urge to empty his bladder – yet seems to have not had the motivation to actually bring his bladder somewhere. Instead, he’d removed his enormous penis and emptied the bladder’s contents upon himself and a section of the sidewalk in close proximity to his penis. Apr�s-pee, his beverage got the better of him and he took a nap, exposed penis in hand.
This image was fairly unique, I’d even say extraordinary, and so it’s one I still recall quite vividly. I considered it my ultimate New York sidewalk experience. Until Sunday.
Sunday was a lovely day. Sunny and brisk. The baby was well behaved and dozed right off after a bottle of milk. While my wife pushed the stroller, I followed behind alongside my buddy Mike – a former improv comrade visiting from out of town. We were recovering from a lovely night that had begun with visiting a friend at Saturday Night Live and ended in the wee hours at some After-After party filled with bimbos. In fact, I had hoped to be writing about that evening right now, and had already begun organizing the paragraphs in my head as we strolled towards SoHo.
But you had other plans.
The mind is never prepared to process the visual of an obese, middle-aged woman in a pink hat leaning against a car, pooping. The mind can not be trained to suffer that horror in any capacity. Nor should it have to.
When it does encounter such a traumatic optical assault, the brain’s first response is to deny. This isn’t happening. But reality can’t be denied. Even though countless brain cells die trying to prevent the acceptance of such foul memory, it ultimately breaks through. It then makes its way to the recesses of your brain – to one of the small villages therein. Perhaps a place called Memoryton. Once there, it rapes and murders everyone in the village. Then it sets fire to it and slaughters the goats for good measure.
That was the effect of seeing you before us in broad daylight, propped against some poor soul’s tire whilst grinning, pooping and making full eye contact with every passerby.
And there were many.
My wife was smart enough to sense that something was amiss, and was able to divert her gaze and guide the stroller in a different, safer direction. She was unscathed. But Mike and I and certainly many others were not so lucky. If you had been Sodom, we’d have all been salt.
Madam, I’ve seen dead people, grisly crime photos and a guy from New Guinea with testicular elephantitis – but it was you who provided me with the most disturbing visual image to date. And nature was an accessory to the crime too: The sunlight was perfect, illuminating your underside just enough to create a darling silhouette of your ongoing efforts, as well as a few accomplishments which rested peacefully on the newspaper you placed underneath yourself.
And how proud you were. Beaming with joy as you made eye contact with us. All of us. But Mike in particular. Mike is traumatized – quite so – and if he survives he may very well never come back to this city again.
That visual, the smile, your roundness, your pink hat and the cursed eye contact: it was the perfect recipe. Kudos. You have earned a place in the memory books of dozens. Perhaps hundreds. In my book you’re somewhere near the front, well ahead of the time I nearly lost my fingers in a freak watermelon-cutting incident. Probably a few pages ahead of the crazy Jesuit priest.
Our time together was brief, but somehow it seemed like an eternity. Perhaps because the image will be with us long after the earth is swallowed by a supernova.
We’ll never forget you. Just ask Mike. Or the unsuspecting French people who passed us. Or the scores who shared what should have been a most intimate moment. Countless people now ask themselves the same two questions: Why did we look? and Why did you look back?
Congratulations madam. You’re a somebody. And if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.

Grammar Cop: The Lefts Lane Is For Passing


Complaint: Rendering maxim “The customer is always right” ridiculous by adding an “s” to the end, a misdemeanor; creation of a nonsensical sentence; not noticing this; making offense permanent by painting it on the back of a truck; exposing numerous individuals to said offense by driving across Florida, God’s waiting room.
Defendant: Team Homestead’s multiple-font-using, maxim-mangling graphic design department.
Report: Officer was eastbound on Florida’s “Alligator Alley” at 80mph when the offense was witnessed and passed. Officer opted to slow to a crawl so as to allow offending cube truck to get in front of vehicle, allowing officer to photograph and document the crime.
Fine: $415 and mandatory surrender of all fonts except Helvetica and Futura Extra Bold Condensed.

The Political Capital MasterCard


With the MBNA Political Capital MasterCard, every dollar spent or vote received will earn you one Political Capital Point. You can use your points for valuable travel, hotel and shopping rewards, or simply to further your mandate. Even better, Political Capital Points can be transferred into most Frequent Flyer and 527 Group accounts. With Political Capital Points, how you use them is up to you!


Redeem for:
1,000 $10 Sausage Orgy at Waffle House
1,800 Medley of decorative soaps from Bed Bath & Beyond
2,500 $30 worth of patriotic iTunes from the Apple Store
4,000 Michael Moore’s underwear (XXL) and hat (M)
10,000 MP3 of Moby, Springsteen and P. Diddy weeping
14,500 Roget’s Vocabulary-Clinic DVD Set
30,000 60 Minutes of Dan Rather cursing like a sailor
75,000 "Happy ending" massage from Ann Coulter
100,000 Taunting Blogad on The Daily Kos
200,000 Positive mention in the New York Times
475,000 Khofi Annan streaking naked down 2nd Avenue
800,000 Rights to "Still The One" by Orleans
1,250,000 Vacancy in the Palestinian Authority
2,796,147 The electoral votes of Ohio
4,500,000 A shocked look from John Kerry, many others
10,000,000 Uncontested Hyperconservative Supreme Court appointment
15,000,000 Roe v. Wade
18,500,000 Complimentary Drilling, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
20,000,000 Flawless regime change – Middle East or Old Europe
25,000,000 Enthusiastic applause during any United Nations address
35,500,000 Giant "I’m The Boss Of You" Planetary Billboard
40,000,000 Any enriched uranium Kim Jong Il has lying around
42,000,000 Coordinates of bin Laden’s dialysis clinic
59,000,000 Christ Returns, constituency rises to chorus of angels

A Day In The Love Life Of An A-List Celebrity

Awake. My heart hangs heavy with the demise of yesterday’s relationship with André.
My assistant Annette calls to say the editor of Us Weekly was furious that André and I split up the same day the “So In Love!” issue went to press.
Hot shower. Rebirth. André will soon be a distant memory.
At the soundstage. This video is going to stink. But, what the label wants, the label usually gets.
I first encounter Sebastian, a dancer, at the craft service table. I ask him how he keeps fit if he’s eating donuts. He laughs. I sense a connection.
Sebastian tells me he really enjoyed my last album. He works out to it. He likes me. He really likes me! Could it be love? Back to work.
Can’t take my mind off of Sebastian. I long to see him again at the craft service table.
He approaches as I’m eating a carrot. Small talk. He brushes my elbow! It feels electric. I ask Annette to issue a press release hinting there may once again be love on the horizon for me.
Back to the shoot. I miss Sebastian already. He’s lost in a crowd of dancers while I stand on a fake mountaintop waving a flag that has my face on it. Pyrotechnics and fake snow. This video stinks, but thinking of his warm smile gets me through it.
Lunch break. Sebastian turns out to be a vegetarian too! We both have Reebok dance shoes and disposable contact lenses. So much in common.
Our first kiss happens after lunch by the trash can near a generator and an oasis of fake palm trees. Magic! I could look into his eyes forever.
Back to work!
I tell Sebastian I love having him around. He suggests asking the director if he could stand on the fake mountaintop next to me and wave my face-flag. Director finally gives in. We’re together!
During a break I ask Sebastian where he sees himself in ten years. He smiles and says, “Wherever you are.” My heart melts. He’s the one for me.
We make sweet, quick love in the trailer.
Rumors abound!
After a wardrobe change, he proposes. He’s dressed as a knight. So appropriate! I ask Annette to issue a press release about our engagement and budding love.
I have an on-set interview with E! television. I tell them I’ve found my man. Sebastian and I are already talking about children. They want to know all about him. I’m not sure, so I have Annette find out more info.
I’ve changed some scenes in the video. Sebastian is now very prominent – by my side in every shot. I want the world to know of our love! Take that André!
Sebastian calls his pregnant girlfriend to tell her it’s over. After, we let the paparazzi come in and shoot us near a closet of props left over from the “A-Team.” Everyone says we make a great couple. I’ve never looked happier, my publicist says.
The editors of Us Weekly, Star and In Touch call to tell Annette that our love and engagement will be their next cover story. I’m so happy!
The girls all know Sebastian is taken, by me, which makes him even more attractive to them. Girls can be so evil! I tell him to keep a distance, and not to risk everything we’ve invested in our relationship. He worries that jealousy could tear us apart.
During some fight scene choreography, I swear I see Sebastian flirting with one of the “maidens” – some sexed-out bimbo with MasterCard boobs. I start to worry. This is the man I want to spend my life with. I call him on it and he gets really defensive. Our first fight.
We haven’t talked in nineteen minutes. Something is wrong.
I see him at the craft service table with a different dancer. Asian. Could it be a date? My heart breaks! I have Annette issue a press release that there have been some stormy moments, but we’re still very much in love and working though them. Back to the set.
People have picked up on our troubles. I can’t bear to be near Sebastian. Hurts too much. He’s no longer featured in any close-up shots. He’s back in the crowd of dancers. We deny anything is wrong.
I swear he’s blatantly making a play for another dancer. Redhead. He’s talking and practicing dance moves with her. This isn’t how a fiancée should act. Our trust has been damaged. This love is doomed.
On break. Sebastian is knocking on my trailer door, but I won’t see him. I tell Annette to issue a press release that I’m returning the ring.
I deliberately go to craft service to get some carrots. I make sure everyone sees my ringless hand.
Rumors abound! There’s no hiding it now.
Sebastian tells E! and In Touch that he still loves me and hopes we can be together. I won’t let him walk on my heart though. There are other fish in the sea, I’m told.
The editor of Us Weekly calls Annette to verify rumors of the relationship’s demise. Annette suggests it was mutual, that we’d simply grown apart. They’ll change the headline.
Heartbroken… drained. Love sucks worse than this video. The car service picks me up from the soundstage and whisks me – the further away from Sebastian, the better.
At home and soon to sleep. Only time will heal my broken heart. Fortunately, there’s always tomorrow.